No Sane Compiler Would Optimize Atomics

JF Bastien <@jfbastien>



When to go lock-free?

Quick Review

C++11 added

  • A memory model
  • Threads
  • Classes to communicate between threads

Threads didn't exist before C++11

Sequential Consistency

Naïve model: memory accesses are simply interleaved

Hardware doesn't work that way

Overly restrictive


Data race:

  • Two accesses to the same memory location by different threads are not ordered
  • At least one of them stores to the memory location
  • At least one of them is not a synchronization action

Data races are UB


1.10 Multi-threaded executions and data races

Atomic operations

Atomic: indivisible with respect to all other atomic accesses to that object

Memory order

  • relaxed
  • consume
  • acquire
  • release
  • acq_rel
  • seq_cst


racing accesses


enforce cache coherency

doesn't guarantee visibility


“C++14 replaced the offensive wording with hand waving”

“it's probably incorrect if you care about the result”

— Hans Boehm


template<class T>
struct atomic;

struct atomic<integral>;

template<class T>
struct atomic<T*>;

template<class T>
struct atomic<floating-point>; // future


  • load
  • store
  • exchange
  • compare_exchange_{weak,strong}
  • is_lock_free
  • static constexpr is_always_lock_free


  • fetch_add
  • fetch_sub
  • fetch_and
  • fetch_or
  • fetch_xor


  • fetch_add
  • fetch_sub


  • fetch_add
  • fetch_sub
  • More?


  • atomic_thread_fence
  • atomic_signal_fence


Guaranteed for std::atomic_flag

Roughly: is there a compare-exchange for this size?

This is what I'm focusing on.

What does non-lock-free mean?

Simple usage

struct Data { int spam, bacon, eggs; std::atomic<int> ready; };
void write(Data *d) {
  d->spam = 0xBEEF;
  d->bacon = 0xCAFE;
  d->eggs = 0x0000;
  d->, std::memory_order_release);
auto read(Data *d) {
  while (!d->ready.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) ;
  return std::make_tuple(d->spam, d->bacon, d->eggs);

We have our tools!

Why is the language set up this way?

Provide an abstraction for relevant hardware platforms.


load relaxedMOV
load consumeMOV
load acquireMOV
load seq_cstMOV
store relaxedMOV
store releaseMOV
store seq_cstLOCK XCHG
non-seq_cst fence# free!
seq_cst fenceMFENCE


load relaxedld
load consumeld + dependencies
load acquireld; cmp; bc; isync
load seq_csthwsync; ld; cmp; bc; isync
store relaxedst
store releaselwsync; st
store seq_csthwsync; st
cmpxchg relaxed_loop: lwarx; cmp; bc _exit; stwcx.; bc _loop; _exit:
non-seq_cst fencelwsync
seq_cst fencehwsync


load relaxedldr
load consumeldr + dependencies
load acquireldr; dmb
load seq_cstldr; dmb
store relaxedstr
store releasedmb; str
store seq_cstdmb; str; dmb
cmpxchg relaxed_loop: ldrex; mov 0; teq; strexeq; teq 0; bne _loop

ARMv8 A64

load relaxedldr
load consumeldr + dependencies
load acquireldar
load seq_cstldar
store relaxedstr
store releasestlr
store seq_cststlr
cmpxchg relaxed_loop: ldxr; cmp; bne _exit; stxr; cbz _loop; _exit


load relaxedld.acq
load consumeld.acq
load acquireld.acq
load seq_cstld.acq
store relaxedst.rel
store releasest.rel
store seq_cstst.rel; mfB
cmpxchg acquirecmpxchg.acq
non-seq_cst fence# free!
seq_cst fencemf


Oh, one of my favorite (NOT!) pieces of code in the kernel is the implementation of the smp_read_barrier_depends() macro, which on every single architecture except for one (alpha) is a no-op.

We have basically 30 or so empty definitions for it, and I think we have something like five uses of it. One of them, I think, is performance crticial, and the reason for that macro existing.

What does it do? The semantics is that it's a read barrier between two different reads that we want to happen in order wrt two writes on the writing side (the writing side also has to have a smp_wmb() to order those writes). But the reason it isn't a simple read barrier is that the reads are actually causally *dependent*, ie we have code like

      first_read = read_pointer;
      second_read = *first_read;

and it turns out that on pretty much all architectures (except for alpha), the *data*dependency* will already guarantee that the CPU reads the thing in order. And because a read barrier can actually be quite expensive, we don't want to have a read barrier for this case.

But alpha? Its memory consistency is so broken that even the data dependency doesn't actually guarantee cache access order. It's strange, yes. No, it's not that alpha does some magic value prediction and can do the second read without having even done the first read first to get the address. What's actually going on is that the cache itself is unordered, and without the read barrier, you may get a stale version from the cache even if the writes were forced (by the write barrier in the writer) to happen in the right order.

— Linus Torvalds


ARM address dependency rule

LDR r1, [r0]
LDR r2, [r1]

LDR r1, [r0]
AND r1, r1, #0
LDR r2, [r3, r1]

Look ma, no barrier!

consume maybe?

template <typename T> auto consumeLoad(const T* location) {
    using Returned = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type;
    struct Consumed { Returned value; size_t dependency; } ret{};
    ret.value = reinterpret_cast<const volatile std::atomic<Returned>*>(
#if CPU(ARM)
    asm volatile("eor %[dependency], %[in], %[in]"
                 : [dependency] "=r"(ret.dependency)
                 : [in] "r"(ret.value)
                 : "memory");
    ret.dependency = 0;
    return ret;

“looks like it probably works” — Richard Smith
“(other than the aliasing violation)”


Same architecture, different instructions / performance.

Flags to the rescue: -march, -mcpu, -mattr

  • Special instructions
  • what's the best spinloop?
  • nominally incorrect code
  • Workaround CPU bugs


  • C++ exposes hardware portably
  • Hardware changes over time
  • Assembly operations operation on memory locations
  • C++ atomics operate on datastructures

How do we optimize atomics?


more atomic: don’t violate forward progress

less atomic: don’t add non-benign races which weren’t already present

Put another way

correct programs must work under all executions an implementation is allowed to create

What can the compiler do?

At least as much as the hardware could do

and maybe more 😉

What does hardware do?

We saw a few examples earlier

Simple example

void inc(std::atomic<int> *y) {
  *y += 1;
std::atomic<int> x;
void two() {

std::atomic<int> x;
void two() {
  x += 2;

Similar example

std::atomic<int> x;
void inc(int val) {
  x += 1;
  x += val;

  lock incl x(%rip)
  lock addl %edi, x(%rip)

Opportunities through inlining

template<typename T>
bool silly(std::atomic<T> *x, T expected, T desired) {
  x->compare_exchange_strong(expected, desired); // Inlined.
  return expected == desired;

template<typename T>
bool silly(std::atomic<T> *x, T expected, T desired) {
  return x->compare_exchange_strong(expected, desired);

A tricky one

Works for any memory order but release and acq_rel

template<typename T>
bool optme(std::atomic<T> *x, T desired) {
  T expected = desired;
  return x->compare_exchange_strong(expected, desired,
    std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed);

template<typename T>
bool optme(std::atomic<T> *x, T desired) {
  return x->load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) == desired; // †

† compiler: mark transformed load as release sequence

‡ as defined in section 1.10 of the C++ standard

Stronger, faster

template<typename T>
T optmetoo(std::atomic<T> *x, T y) {
  T z = x->load();
  return z;

template<typename T>
T optmetoo(std::atomic<T> *x, T y) {
  return x->exchange(y);


Interesting problem...

Read ; Modify ; Write

Hogwild!: A Lock-Free Approach to Parallelizing Stochastic Gradient Descent


float y;
void g(float a) { y += a; }

        addss   y(%rip), %xmm0
        movss   %xmm0, y(%rip)


volatile float yv;
void gv(float a) { yv += a; }

        addss   yv(%rip), %xmm0
        movss   %xmm0, yv(%rip)


std::atomic<float> x;
void f(float a) { + a,

        movl    x(%rip), %eax
        movd    %eax, %xmm1
        addss   %xmm0, %xmm1
        movd    %xmm1, %eax
        movl    %eax, x(%rip)

        addss   x(%rip), %xmm0
        movss   %xmm0, x(%rip)

Optimization FTW!


Inlining and constant propagation


Same for fetch_or(0) and fetch_xor(0)



If simple things are hard…

…is your inline assembly correct?

…will it remain correct?

Do you trust your compiler?

What if the compiler emits suboptimal code?

File a bug!

Sequence lock

  • Get ticket number
  • Get the data
  • Check the ticket again
    • If odd: write was happening
    • If different: write occurred
    • If same: no write occurred, data is good
  • If data isn’t good: try again

std::tuple<T, T> reader() {
  T d1, d2; unsigned seq0, seq1;
  do {
    seq0 = seq.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    d1 = data1.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    d2 = data2.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    seq1 = seq.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  } while (seq0 != seq1 || seq0 & 1);
  return {d1, d2};

void writer(T d1, T d2) {
  unsigned seq0 = seq.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); + 1, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_release);, std::memory_order_release); + 2, std::memory_order_release);

We really want a release load

(there is no release load)


T d1, d2;
unsigned seq0, seq1;
do {
  seq0 = seq.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
  d1 = data1.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  d2 = data2.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  seq1 = seq.fetch_add(0, std::memory_order_release);
} while (seq0 != seq1 || seq0 & 1);

 mov    0x200a76(%rip),%edx        # seq
 mov    0x200a74(%rip),%eax        # data1
 mov    0x200a72(%rip),%ecx        # data2
# acquire fence
 mov    0x200a64(%rip),%esi        # seq

 mov    0x2004c6(%rip),%ecx        # seq
 mov    0x2004bc(%rip),%esi        # data1
 xor    %edx,%edx
 mov    0x2004af(%rip),%r8d        # data2
 lock xadd %edx,0x2004af(%rip)     # seq RdMW

 mov    0x200a46(%rip),%edx        # seq
 mov    0x200a44(%rip),%eax        # data1
 mov    0x200a42(%rip),%ecx        # data2
 mfence                            # optimized RdMW!
 mov    0x200a31(%rip),%esi        # seq

What's better?

"Normal" compiler optimizations

Dead store elimination?

Strength reduction?

relaxed optimization

std::atomic<int> x, y;
void relaxed() {
  x.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  y.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  x.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  y.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);

std::atomic<int> x, y;
void relaxed() {
  x.fetch_add(2, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  y.fetch_add(2, std::memory_order_relaxed);

Progress bar

atomic<int> progress(0);
f() {
    for (i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
        // Heavy work, no shared memory...

atomic<int> progress(0);
f() {
    int my_progress = 0; // register allocated
    for (i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
        // Heavy work, no shared memory...
    progress += my_progress;

Disabling reordering / fusing?

  • asm volatile("":::"memory"); // eek!
  • std::atomic_signal_fence(); // wat?
  • Use volatile? NO!
  • Don't use relaxed?
  • Synchronize-with?


  • Tag "non-atomic" functions, optimize around them
  • Interference-free regions
  • Optimize fence positioning
  • Non-escaping thread local (TLS, stack)
  • etc.

std::mutex for sanity

  • easier to use correctly
  • in theory...
    • it could still get optimized
    • lock: acquire; unlock: release
  • pthread and kernel call makes this hard
  • std::synchronic to the rescue!


Knows better


Initial motivation: getChar() on PDP-11, reading memory-mapped KBD_STAT I/O register

K&R: The purpose of volatile is to force an implementation to suppress optimization that could otherwise occur

What does that mean?

  • Prevent load / store motion?
  • Prevent arithmetic motion?
  • Hardware fence? x86 MFENCE? ARM DMB SY?
  • Shared memory?

It gets better

Xtensa GCC options



When this option is enabled, GCC inserts MEMW instructions before volatile memory references to guarantee sequential consistency.


You can use the /volatile compiler switch to modify how the compiler interprets this keyword. If a struct member is marked as volatile, then volatile is propagated to the whole structure. If a structure does not have a length that can be copied on the current architecture by using one instruction, volatile may be completely lost on that structure.

clang emulates this with -fms-volatile

What does it mean‽


  • can tear
  • each byte touched exactly once
  • no machine-level ordering
  • enforces abstract machine ordering with other volatile
  • can't duplicate
  • can't elide

Can volatile be lock-free?


Can volatile do RMW?


Are there portable volatile uses?

  • mark local variables in the same scope as a setjmp, preserve value across longjmp
  • externally modified: physical memory mapped in multiple virtual addresses
  • volatile sigatomic_t may be used to communicate with a signal handler in the same thread

volatile atomic

what's that?

What do compilers do?

by compilers I mean clang

Standard library

C's _Atomic ↔ C++'s std::atomic

_sync_* builtins

_atomic_* builtins


does little besides inlining constant memory_order_*


  • load atomic [volatile] <ty>, <ty>* <pointer> [singlethread] <ordering>, align <alignment>
  • store atomic [volatile] <ty> <value>, <ty>* <pointer> [singlethread] <ordering>, align <alignment>


  • atomicrmw [volatile] <operation> <ty>* <pointer>, <ty> <value> [singlethread] <ordering>
  • cmpxchg [weak] [volatile] <ty>* <pointer>, <ty> <cmp>, <ty> <new> [singlethread] <success ordering> <failure ordering>
  • fence [singlethread] <ordering>


isSimple, isVolatile, isAtomic: steer clear

Machine IR

similar to actual ISA instructions

Now what?

Standards Committee

Assume optimizations occur, encourage them.

Standardize common practice, enable to-the-metal optimizations.

More libraries: easy to use concurrency & parallelism; hard to get it wrong.


Drop assembly

File bugs

Talk to standards committee.

Use tooling: ThreadSanitizer.

Hardware vendors

Showcase your hardware’s strengths.

Compiler writers

Get back to work!

Sane Compilers Should Optimize Atomics

and you should use atomics
